Into Dust

Into Dust
With mysterious shamanistic superpowers, a shy teenage girl in an isolated U.S. border town turns the tables on the Mexican drug gangsters who killed her father.

Into Dust Episode One

A teenage girl with super powers keeps the peace in her West Texas town.

Here's what people are saying about Episode One:

"How awesome! This turned out great!"
Kirsten McMurray, Assistant to Richard Linklater

"Congratulations on this!"
Brant Rose, The Brant Rose Agency

"VERY well done. Great message." David P. Pray, Superintendent - Clinton High School

"LOVED it! I really loved a superhero character inside a contemporary Latina schoolgirl and also the naturalistic, verite style used in a story involving special powers. I think it has huge potential for getting noticed, for attracting a large, underserved, super-loyal following. And don't lose the ultra-real style (you know what I mean?) That's going to really set it apart."
-Jill Chamberlain, The Screenplay Workshop

"Good for you, kid." - Chuck Conaway, screenwriter of Waiting for Dublin

"Congratulations, Very cool!"
Deena Kalai. PLLC

"Let us know when the next one's ready!" Infynit Hour TV

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